Feature and Follow #5


I always (or almost always) check my books out from the library. Not only does it support my profession as a librarian, but it also saves me A LOT of money! However, if there is a book that I really enjoy and that I think I will reread then I will buy it. My e-books usually just sit on their digital bookshelf until I’m ready to pick them up again. My hard copy books I try to share as much as possible. The books that I just decide are taking up room on my shelf because I will never touch them again get sold to Half-Price Books or donated to the library. I guess there are lots of options as to what we can do with our books, but for me it depends on how much I liked the book where it will ultimately end up.

This hop is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. You can check out other Feature and Follow posts for the week here.


FF Bloglovin

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